Used JEOL JXA 840A #9203261 for sale

ID: 9203261
Electron probe micro analyzer.
JEOL JXA 840A is an analytical scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an excellent resolution and a wide range of features. It is equipped with a science-grade electron detector which enables excellent image quality and accuracy in the measurements. JEOL JXA-840A is ideal for high-resolution imaging and microanalysis. JXA 840A is capable of producing atomic level images, thanks to its high-energy electron beam, which operates at energies up to 30 keV. This electron beam can be varied from 0.2µm to 5mm in spot size, depending on the application. JXA-840A also features a wide range of sample holders and stages, compatible with a large variety of samples. JEOL JXA 840A is equipped with a fast secondary electron detector, which is coupled to a built-in Multi-Channel Plate (MCP) imaging detector, and allows acquiring images with greater depth of field and more contrast. Furthermore, this SEM supports a wide range of sophisticated analysis techniques, such as energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), cathodoluminescence (CL), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Additionally JEOL JXA-840A is equipped with powerful software. The SEMView software allows the user to set up versatile user parameters, and to acquire real-time signals from detectors. Furthermore, the software offers a wide variety of features, such as a 3D image stack and 3D reconstruction, advanced image analysis capabilities, and an easy-to-use user interface. Additionally, a powerful navigation option enhances the image observation. In summary, JXA 840A is an excellent analytical SEM for a wide range of applications, thanks to its excellent resolution, versatile sample handling options, rapid secondary electron detector, and powerful software features. JXA-840A allows researchers to achieve atomic level imaging resolution and accurate microanalysis, as well as sophisticated routines for imaging, analysis, and 3D reconstruction. Thanks to JEOL JXA 840A, comprehensive data sets can be obtained with precision accuracy.
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