Used PHILIPS CM12 #9045535 for sale

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ID: 9045535
Transmission Electron Microscope Vacuum pump Chiller No digial camera Titan Pulse generator XPP Wehnelt, apertures, and spare parts LaB6 filaments, apertures, spare parts omputer with software dongle / hasp key Standard sealed tube X-ray generator for HRXRD, XRD and XRR configurations 0 to 120 kV (20 kV steps) Single crystal Lanthanum hexaboride ~1.5 x10^-7 torr CTEM 0.20 nm lattice, 0.34 nm point-to-point SEM/STEM Imaging: Everhart-Thornley & Solid State STEM Detector XEDS: Kevex UTW Quantum Detector and Kevex 8000 Acquisition System Philips Single-Tilt (±45 degrees) Stage Gatan modified Philips Double-Tilt stage (x=±45 degrees,y=±30 degrees) Low Background (Be) Stage Manuals.
PHILIPS CM12 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) used to allow users to produce high-resolution images or other types of data sets from samples or specimens. By directing a high-energy beam of electrons onto the sample, the SEM creates a detailed image of the specimen's surface morphology and composition. The resulting images can be enhanced using various techniques, such as backscattered electron (BSE) imaging. CM12 is a high-precision dual-beam SEM. It is equipped with a high-resolution column and a low-angle backscatter detector, which allows for wide field-of-view imaging as well as higher resolution images for fine feature viewing. The SEM is capable of achieving magnification up to 54,000x and obtain images with 0.2 nanometer resolution. It also features enhanced stereo imaging capabilities and automatic drift compensation. PHILIPS CM12 is designed for non-destructive, high-resolution imaging of a wide range of materials from biological specimens to semiconductor materials. Its dual-beam design allows for both imaging and texturing in one step. CM12 also has a built-in field emission from sample holder, which provides improved beam stability. PHILIPS CM12 is an advanced piece of equipment, allowing users to take advantage of a wide range of SEM functions. Its capabilities allow users to observe and analyze samples with sub-nanometer resolution, providing features like improved contrast, fast scan and autofocus. Moreover, CM12 also incorporates a variety of specialized accessories that allow users to take advantage of features such as high vacuum coating for the creation of replicas or other deposition purposes, and a cryoholder to enable insulation of specimens at liquid nitrogen temperatures. In conclusion, PHILIPS CM12 is an advanced scanning electron microscope that provides high-end performance for imaging and texturing of a wide range of samples, with a magnification up to 54,000x and resolution down to 0.2 nm. It features various enhancements, such as improved contrast, high vacuum capability, and cryoholder compatibility.
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