Used PHILIPS / FEI 200 #293642983 for sale
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PHILIPS / FEI 200 scanning electron microscope is a world-leading microscopy platform for imaging and characterizing a wide range of micro and nano features. It has a high-resolution that allows for precise imaging of features as small as a few nanometers or less. Thanks to its high-precision scanning capabilities, a wide range of characterization techniques can be employed at magnifications up to FEI 200,000x. PHILIPS 200 is equipped with a large chamber, allowing for sample sizes up to 200x200 mm in size. A large backscattered electron detector (BSE) collects information about contrast, topography, and elemental composition of the surface, while a secondary electron detector (SE) can be used for capturing high contrast images. An FEI-generated beam source of 2-5 kV can be used to boost resolution, enabling imaging of the internal microstructure of specimens beyond what can be imaged with a conventional S/M micrograph. It is also compatible with a variety of high-resolution low-magnification imaging and tomography techniques, such as Low Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy (LV-SEM). 200 is specialized for high-resolution imaging of a wide range of samples including organic materials, metals, and composites. Its versatility makes it ideal for imaging and evaluation of shape and topography, as well as surface-roughness analysis, particle sizing, and atomic-scale imaging with hafnium interconnects. The microscopy platform's unique sample stage capabilities offer ease of usage and automation of processes. The stage can be equipped with both manual and motorized stages, allowing for precise sample position control as well as automated imaging and composition analysis. A variety of automation software and search algorithms are available to facilitate specimen analysis and automated process control. By utilizing advanced nanofocus sources, which can reduce the effective electron beam size by a factor of 10 and extend the imaging range beyond PHILIPS / FEI 200,000x, FEI 200 allows for highly detailed surface and inner structure imaging. In addition, automatic aberration control corrects for distortions introduced by electron inelastic scattering, improving the accuracy of imaging results. Overall, PHILIPS 200 is a cutting-edge scanning electron microscope designed for high-resolution imaging and characterization of a variety of samples. With fanstatic imaging and analysis capabilities and a wide range of automation features, this instrument provides a reliable platform for material characterization and quality control.
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