Used PHILIPS / FEI Nova NanoLab 200 #9280072 for sale
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ID: 9280072
Dual beam system
Model no: FP 2065/31
EDS Thermo M65C-6UPS-SN
Noran system 7 with 60 mm² ultradry detector
Omniprobe autoprobe
THERMOCUBE 400 Series solid state chiller
Workstation with Windows 2000
PC with Windows 7
(2) LCD monitors
Sirion electron column
Magnum ion column with fast ion beam blanker
5-Axis motorized stage: 50 mm x 50 mm
In-lens SE and BSE detector (TLD with SE and BSE)
Everhart-Thornley SE detector
CCD IR Camera
Oil-free pumping system
Insulator enhanced etch XeF2
Platinum metal deposition
Manual user interface
UMB FIB / TEM specimen and holder kit
Autoprobe 200 nanomanipulator
Noran system 7 advanced spectral acquisition
Imaging system with ultradry premium EDS detector (60 mm² sensor, 129 eV resolution)
2006 vintage.
PHILIPS / FEI Nova NanoLab 200 is a state of the art scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed to allow for the highest resolution imaging and analytical studies. It features a high-resolution Field Emission gun (FEG) to ensure high-contrast images with excellent signal-to-noise ratios and very good lateral resolution. This type of instrument is often used for applications such as rapid microscopic imaging, microstructural and crystallographic studies, elemental analysis, and 3D imaging of micro- and nano-scale objects. FEI Nova NanoLab 200 is equipped with a sophisticated array of imaging and analytical capabilities, making it suitable for a variety of fields. The main imaging modes are secondary electron (SE), backscattered electron (BSE) and Auger electron imaging (AES). It also has a range of TE filters and apertures to optimize the imaging conditions. For obtaining high-resolution images of biological, geological and forensic samples, PHILIPS Nova NanoLab 200 includes an Environmental Chamber allowing temperature controlled imaging in a fully covered shielded environment. This setup allows for imaging and analysis of samples in their native states without subjecting them to excessive external influences. For chemical analyses, Nova NanoLab 200 includes a full-featured Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) allowing for elemental distributions of any sample. Optimized automated spectroscopy parameters allow for rapid and easy quantification of any atomic number element in a sample. The built-in Auger Pixel Imaging (API) mode allows users to rapidly map and quantify device composition with nm resolution. PHILIPS / FEI Nova NanoLab 200 also includes a wide variety of accessories for micro-manipulation, vacuum preparation and electron beam lithography. This greatly expands its application range to materials sciences, semiconductor and nanotechnology applications. Overall, FEI Nova NanoLab 200 is a versatile and user friendly system equipped with advanced imaging and analytical capabilities. This makes it ideal for applications in a wide range of fields, from materials science to biological and biomedical studies, and micro- and nano-scale analysis.
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