Used RAITH 150 #9280304 for sale

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ID: 9280304
E-Beam lithography system Laser resonator Replaced and upgraded to R150B module Flexible substrate size sample holder.
RAITH 150 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for application in semiconductor and industrial process control. It is a field emission SEM with a maximum resolution of 0.2 nm. The instrument is equipped with a range of features making it ideal for imaging and analyzing the nanostructures of various materials. The SEM is capable of working at high magnification, with the capability to magnify up to 250,000 times. The instrument has an incident electron energy of up to 30 keV and a working distance range of 0 mm to 11.55 mm. Additionally, the specimen chamber can be filled with several different gases, allowing a variety of experiments to be performed. 150 utilizes an SX capacitive detector to allow for accurate and rapid electron beam focusing and to help the instrument work with high throughput and sensitivity. In addition, the instrument is equipped with a micro-channel plate and secondary electron detectors, which enable the user to image and characterize nanostructures even further. The instrument also comes equipped with a range of detectors including a backscattered electron detector, an X-ray detector, as well as various displayed measurement parameters. RAITH 150 has an integrated computing system featuring a Pentium IV processor with 4 GB of RAM and 100 GB of HDD space, allowing the user to store a number of images, as well as maintaining a database of experiments separately for each user. The instrument also contains a high resolution camera, which allows the user to acquire clear and accurate results of the sample. The camera provides an adjustable field of view, aiding the user in controlling the magnification and field of focus. The user can also perform an image correction to remove any artifacts caused by interfering light. Overall, 150 is an advanced scanning electron microscope with high resolution and many features that make it suitable for applications in semiconductor and industrial process control.
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