Used SEC MINI SNE-4500M #9302335 for sale

ID: 9302335
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
SEC MINI SNE-4500M scanning electron microscope is the ideal instrument for rapid sample analysis and visualization of a variety of materials including biological samples, semiconductors, and metals. This compact equipment is designed for low to medium magnification applications, and can operate at magnifications up to 2000x. The electron gun is equipped with a cold field emission source that is capable of producing highly detailed images of a variety of samples in a short period of time. SNE-4500M is a semi-automated system with an automated motorized stage and a beam parameter control unit. The motorized stage utilizes the latest technology to move the sample stage, allowing for accurate and repeatable position control. The beam parameter control machine optimizes the operating parameters of the electron gun to produce the best image quality for a given sample material. The tool also features user-controlled tilt and rotation capabilities for enhanced contrast and detail in specimens. SEC MINI SNE-4500M utilizes a high-resolution secondary electron detector for image acquisition. This detector enables the asset to produce images of millionth to thousandth of a millimeter size range of samples. The secondary electron images from this model are highly detailed and can provide morphological information, such as recessed, flat, or protruding features. Additionally, the detector is capable of producing a 3D image by analyzing data collected from multiple scan passes via integrated software. SNE-4500M offers a wide range of analysis capabilities such as elemental analysis, chemical composition, and crystalline structure. Parameter-based analysis and automated operation produce consistent and reproducible results. In addition, sample preparation is quick and easy thanks to the user-friendly SEM sample holder. This sample holder allows for easy switching between samples, minimizing sample preparation time before each scan. SEC MINI SNE-4500M is a versatile scanning electron microscope that provides top-of-the-line performance and range of features in a compact cryo-cooled equipment. With its ability to produce highly detailed images of a variety of samples at a fraction of the size and cost of a traditional scanning electron microscope, it is the perfect system for low to medium magnification sample analysis.
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