Used ZEISS EVO 40 #9204591 for sale
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ZEISS EVO 40 is a world-leading, field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) that combines superior imaging performance with fast data acquisition. This allows users to quickly scan, identify, and characterize samples with unmatched accuracy and detail. EVO 40 is built with a modular in-column energy filter that wirelessly links up to an energy dispersive X-ray system. This allows the user to precisely identify elemental distributions in a sample using X-ray spectroscopy. The FESEM's large field-of-view makes it theoretically possible to capture an entire sample in one shot, quickly providing the user with a detailed picture of the sample before zooming in for greater detail. ZEISS EVO 40 incorporates the company's patented variable-pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM) technology, which reduces the central vacuum pressure inside the chamber to a maximum of 5 µPa, allowing for the highest resolution imaging of nonconductive materials. This also reduces the electron beam diameter to just 1.2 nm - a breakthrough in ultra-high resolution imaging and analysis. EVO 40 also has the capability to undertake real-time secondary electron imaging using its patented AccVolt energy filter, providing the user with digital pictures of the sample's surface micro-features. The AccVolt filter also allows the user to automatically calibrate images with one simple click. To ensure optimal performance despite long operational hours, ZEISS EVO 40's design includes highly efficient cooling mechanisms throughout the system to maintain a consistent temperature while preventing sample damage. For its part, EVO 40 offers advanced analytics capabilities - such as EDS and WDS analysis, a kind of multicomponent X-ray analysis - in addition to the more usual SEM analytics techniques like EBSD, CL, and energy-filtered imaging. The FESEM also boasts a powerful particle analysis package as part of its advanced analytics that can measure size, morphology, chemical, and crystalline composition of a material. Lastly, ZEISS EVO 40 offers an automation package to control the instrument and process sample analysis, enabling users to quickly program repetitive operations, collect data at high speed, and even automate image analysis. Overall, EVO 40 is a highly advanced scanning electron microscope that offers the best imaging and analysis performance possible. Its combination of high-resolution imaging, powerful X-ray analysis, advanced analytics capabilities, and automated sample control make it an ideal instrument for any laboratory that requires the highest performance in an all-in-one microscope.
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