Used ACCRETECH / TSK AWD-100A #293608709 for sale

ID: 293608709
Wafer Size: 8"
Vintage: 2001
Dicing saw, 8" 2001 vintage.
ACCRETECH / TSK AWD-100A is an advanced scribing and dicing equipment used for high accuracy cutting and dividing of a variety of materials. It can be used for the production of semiconductor components such as P-channel MOSFETs and transistors. This system has a large cutting range with various types of saws and blades, to facilitate cutting of substrates with different thicknesses and materials. The main parts of TSK A-WD-100A are the cutting area, scribing movement, blade and chuck systems. The jig movement is controlled by a direct-drive servo motor, which allows high speed and accurate scribing with ultra-low vibration levels. The cutting area is the largest in its class, with up to 30 inches of travel, which enables cutting of large substrates. The blades and chucks are highly precise and provide a clean cut with minimal burring. The unit has a powerful built-in vision machine which can recognize a variety of features, including position and size. This allows for high accuracy substrate scribing. The tool is also equipped with advanced control software, with a graphical interface and automatic calculation functions, which allow for easy programming of scribing shape, size, position and cutting speed. ACCRETECH A-WD-100 A also has a unique cooling asset, which ensures a reliable operation. The model has various safety functions to protect the operator from accidents and to avoid damage to the substrate. It also has a variety of vision functions such as dimensional measurement and defect detection, which can be used for quality control and traceability. Overall, ACCRETECH / TSK A-WD-100A is a highly advanced scribing and dicing equipment which provides a reliable and easy to use solution for high accuracy cutting and dividing applications. It is designed for a wide range of substrates, allowing for fast and efficient scribing and dicing, with minimal burring and maximum precision. It is also user friendly, with an intuitive graphical interface, automated calculation functions and various vision functions to ensure accuracy and traceability.
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