Used DISCO DAD 320 #9407887 for sale

DAD 320
ID: 9407887
Vintage: 1997
Dicing saw.
DISCO DAD 320 is a scribing-dicing equipment designed to support quick and precise cutting of sheet, panel and solid material. Its cutting system is controlled by a precise, precise and fast-moving card-handling technique. At the heart of the unit is a 320mm bed size, capable of scribing and dicing up to 12mm thick material with ease and accuracy. This allows for precise work with a range of materials, from wood, to plaster and even metal. The blade is driven with a stepper motor, which allows for precise control and acceleration/deceleration, allowing for precise and excellent cuts. There is also a display showing the blade move, so adjustments can be made quickly if needed. The digital readout and control machine allows you to store up to 20 digital settings, along with an adjustable variables tool. In addition, the package includes a digital readout head and adjustment scope to aid in the precise setting of cutting parameters. DISCO DAD320 also includes a panic stop control allowing for safe, reliable and quick stopping of the machine in case of emergency. The machine is designed to run on the latest software available from the manufacturer, and with strong support from the manufacturer. To top it off, DAD 320 boasts a dust extraction asset, making cutting incredibly clean and efficient. The dust and chips are drawn away from the working area quickly and effectively, and collected in containers for easy disposal. Overall, DAD320 is a versatile, precise and reliable scribing and dicing model. It is capable of quick and accurate cutting of sheet, panel and solid material, with a dust extraction equipment for a clean work area. Moreover, it is backed by a strong support system and a range of settings and adjustable variables, making it a great choice for anyone who wants to get the best out of their cutting.
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