Used DISCO DAD 321 #9229954 for sale

DAD 321
ID: 9229954
Vintage: 2005
Automatic dicing saw 2005 vintage.
DISCO DAD 321 is a scribing/dicing equipment designed to increase productivity and reduce time needed for manual dicing and scribing activities. It consists of optimized, modular cutting tools and computer-controlled scribes that automate and speed up the manual process. The machine works by mounting a panel or board onto a cutting table, setting the desired panel size, and selecting the desired saw cuts and scribe patterns via the on-board computer panel. The computer then automatically positions the cutting tools, moves them in and out, and adjusts the speed and depth of the cuts according to the required specifications and design. The blades and scribes used in DISCO DAD321 are made of special material to reduce adhesion and prevent clogging. The high-quality scribes are capable of making extremely detailed and accurate marks. The blades are composed of special wear-resistant materials which greatly reduce the need for frequent replacements. The machine is designed for optimizing the efficiency of cutting, scribing, and laminating processes. The optimized software allows the user to save cutting plans, createnew plans without starting from scratch, and adjust the settings for optimal results. DAD 321 features user-friendly visual guides and displays that facilitate the alignment process and ensure accurate cutting. The system also has a self-contained ventilation unit to keep the work area well-ventilated at all times. The overall accuracy and repeatability of DAD321 are well beyond most other similar systems. Its accuracy is less than one-thousandth of a millimeter, and its scribe radius is comparable to other systems on the market. In terms of cost-effectiveness and performance, DISCO DAD 321 is one of the most advanced solutions on the market. It offers superior accuracy and performance while still remaining cost-effective and easy to use. The modular design of DISCO DAD321 allows users to customize the machine to meet their specific needs and requirements.
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