Used DISCO DAD 521 #293642991 for sale

DAD 521
ID: 293642991
Dicing saw.
DISCO DAD 521 is a scribing and dicing equipment designed to facilitate the deep engraving of precise text, image, and logomark designs into a wide variety of substrates. It is primarily used for artwork, signage and packaging production, allowing creators to incorporate intricate images and logos into their designs quickly and efficiently. The system uses a high-speed spindle with a 5/ 8" diameter steel pin tip to engrave into substrates such as acrylic, wood, stainless steel, copper, brass, PVC and even glass. All the components of DISCO DAD521 have been designed to ensure quality and consistent results, while the PLC programmed user interface provides a streamlined unit for customizing output. The pin tip has an adjustable depth, enabling the engraving of intricate details in layer after layer of collected substrate material. The high quality and speed of the pin tip ensures that the engraving done by the machine is precise and consistent. The user can choose from a range of fonts and sizes, as well as customize their text and logo designs according to their specific requirements. DAD 521 also has a precision guide and clamp machine which ensures accuracy when digiting artwork and text, providing perfectly centered artwork regardless of the positions of the substrate. This is especially useful when making multiple engravings or when working with curved substrates. The guide and clamp tool can also be adjusted to fit a variety of different sizes, allowing for maximum flexibility. DAD521 is a great tool for production of logos, artwork and text, allowing creators to consistently produce high-quality engravings designed to meet their exact specifications. The speed, accuracy, and precision of the machine make it a valuable tool for helping to streamline production time while ensuring high quality aesthetics across a range of substrates.
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