Used DISCO DAD 641 #9400678 for sale

DAD 641
ID: 9400678
Vintage: 2000
Dicing saw 2000 vintage.
DISCO DAD 641 is a highly sophisticated 'scribing / dicing' equipment developed by DISCO Paradigm Industries. It is designed to provide high-precision cutting of materials, utilizing specialized blades and diamond-coated bits. DISCO DAD641 provides maximum precision cutting, with an accuracy of up to 8 microns. The system comprises of a mainframe body and diamond-coated bit that is able to achieve cutting depths of up to 8 mm. The mainframe body is constructed from lightweight plastic, which allows for easy maneuverability and portability. The diamond-coated bit is mounted securely onto the mainframe, and has multiple sections along its length to allow for cutting of intricate details, such as customized lettering. The bit is engineered specifically for cutting materials such as glazed and lacquered surfaces, and is able to cut through materials such as foil, paper, and other metals. The unit utilizes a cutting head that is equipped with a laser emitter and specialized optics machine, allowing it to accurately detect objects and cut with a high degree of accuracy. This technology is also used in the tool's registration and recognition feature, which is designed to provide precise cutting and a consistent finish, regardless of different materials. DAD 641 is highly efficient and has a heavy-duty build that facilitates high-speed production. Its robust, stainless steel frame provides durability, allowing it to handle high speeds and cutting thicknesses without strain. The asset comes with a variety of cutting speeds, and is capable of cutting up to 600 dpi, providing professional level precision. The model also offers a variety of safety features, such as a safety guard and automatic shutoff, to minimize the risk of injury and damage to materials. The equipment is CE compliant, ensuring safety and performance. Overall, DAD641 is a highly sought-after system and a popular choice for those looking for the best in precision cutting. With its cutting-edge technology and innovative features, the unit offers a reliable and safe way of achieving precision cutting.
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