Used DISCO DFD 6341 #293646435 for sale

DFD 6341
ID: 293646435
Dicing saws.
DISCO DFD 6341 is a scribing and dicing equipment designed for the industrial market. It is a highly efficient and cost-effective way to cut and shape materials into intricate shapes, designs, and patterns. It has a large working envelope and a high cutting speed, allowing it to produce quality parts quickly and reliably. DISCO DFD6341 is equipped with three different types of scribing and dicing heads. The scribing head intelligently follows the contour of the material, creating complex curves and grooves with ease. The dicing head uses a saw blade to slice the material up into small pieces and blocks, with accuracy and repeatability. The combination of the scribing and dicing heads makes it quicker for engineers to produce complex prototypes and one-off designs, reducing material waste and production time. DFD 6341 has an intelligent vision system which can recognise the shape of the material to be worked on. This allows the machine to adjust the speed and pressure of the heads automatically, ensuring the material is processed in perfect condition. In addition, the unit is equipped with an automated tool changer. The tool changer can automatically change between multiple heads for different purposes, such as for touching up edges after scribing or diving a material into multiple shapes. DFD6341 is connected to a personal computer via a USB interface. There is a powerful built-in Graphical User Interface, allowing the operator to easily configure and control the machine. The Graphical User Interface also includes a preview feature, allowing the operator to see the simulation of the cutting process before initiating it. DISCO DFD 6341 is an excellent choice for companies looking to produce high-precision parts quickly and efficiently. It is user-friendly and highly versatile, making it an ideal solution for a range of industrial applications. Thanks to its intelligent vision machine and automated tool changer, it is easy to use, reliable, and cost-effective.
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