Used DISCO DFD 6361 #293593032 for sale

DFD 6361
ID: 293593032
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2013
Dicing saw, 12" 2013 vintage.
DISCO DFD 6361 is a scribing/dicing equipment manufactured by DISCO Corporation of Japan. This system is a high-precision, fully-automatic scribing/dicing machine that can be used in the fabrication of semiconductor devices and other electronic parts. It is suitable for applications such as semiconductor wafer scribing, laser marking, laser drilling, and laser engraving. The unit is capable of scribing and dicing with a resolution of 0.001mm. It is equipped with a 50W CO2 laser beam and two linear motion axes (X- and Y-axes). It is able to handle wafers of up to 200mm in diameter, with a maximum die size of 50x50mm (X- and Y-axes). It is also equipped with a scanned image analyzer, a cooling machine, an integrated vacuum chucking tool, and a feedback servo-control asset. The model uses a advanced beam control unit (BCU) to control the laser scanning parameters to ensure accurate scribing and dicing operations. The advanced BCU allows for precision control over the laser beam, enabling scribing/dicing operations with extremely fine resolution. In addition, the equipment is also equipped with a separate system for aligning the wafers before and after scribing/dicing operations. DISCO DFD6361 is a highly efficient unit which can achieve high-precision scribing and dicing of intricate and complex shapes with minimal waste. It is capable of performing the scribing and dicing of both material and surface structures, ensuring a high degree of accuracy and quality. As part of its advanced features, DFD 6361 also includes a data analysis machine, which allows for the comparison of different scribing/dicing operations. This allows for a greater understanding of the scribing/dicing process, and the identification of any potential defects or variance in the results. Overall, DFD6361 is a high-precision, advanced scribing and dicing tool which provides superior performance, accuracy and quality. It is ideal for applications such as semiconductor wafer scribing, laser marking, laser drilling, and laser engraving, ensuring fast and efficient device production.
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