Used DISCO DFD 6362 #9117871 for sale

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DFD 6362
ID: 9117871
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2010
Wafer dicing saw, 12" 2010 vintage.
DISCO DFD 6362 is a high-precision scribing and dicing equipment used to cut and divide thin and delicate materials such as semiconductor wafers, LCD panels, and other electronics. This system uses a scribing laser process instead of using diamond saws or mechanical blades. This laser process provides precise cutting and reduces the occurrence of fractures and breakage during the dicing of fragile materials. DISCO DFD6362 consists of several parts, including an X-Y table, a spindle unit, a rotary table, a scribing laser unit, and an air beam. The X-Y table is a precision movement table that allows accurate positioning of the wafer or the device to be cut. It is designed to move along two axes and can position the substrate accurately for cutting and division. The spindle unit is the tool responsible for holding the substrate in place while the cutting begins. It also has a vacuum unit to help keep the substrate securely in place during operation. The rotary table is a rotary drive that allows the substrate to be rotated to match the angle of the cutting laser. The scriber laser unit is a high-precision scriber laser that cuts through the material with accuracy and time efficiency. It is equipped with a number of different laser parameters which can be set in order to achieve the desired results. Finally, the air beam is used to blow away debris from the cutting area. DFD 6362 can be used for a variety of applications such as cutting through wafers, laminates, and flat surface materials. It is highly durable and reliable, making it a great choice for production use in a wide range of facilities. The laser cutter can be equipped with different laser heads to allow for varying laser powers for different materials. Additionally, it features a motion control machine to allow for quick adjustments and changes as well as a touch panel tool to make it easier to program the laser head parameters and cutting speed. This asset is great for high-precision, multi-step cutting of sensitive materials, providing consistent and high-quality results. Additionally, the laser cutting process is contact-less and dust-free which helps to reduce the occurrence of fractures or defects in the material being cut. Thanks to its high performance and flexible functionalities, DFD6362 is a great resource for precision scribing and dicing needs.
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