Used DISCO EAD 6340K #293586619 for sale

EAD 6340K
ID: 293586619
Vintage: 2006
Dicing saw HANMI S&P-3000D 2006 vintage.
DISCO EAD 6340K is a scribing and dicing equipment designed by DISCO Corporation. It is an advanced system for the production of repeatable, high-precision cuts in a variety of materials, including ceramics, glass, metal, and plastic. The unit is capable of handling a sheet size of 400 x 600 mm, and is capable of processing several plates simultaneously. It is constructed from a welded base, and has a cutting head with two axis of motion. The cutting head contains several nozzles that fire diamond-tipped scribing tools, and two linear servo motors for precise motion control. The cutting head is capable of both drilling and scribing with the same tool, making it a useful machine for a variety of production processes. It has a dual optical line detection machine to ensure accurate positioning and orientation of the cut materials. It also has a variable-speed motor, allowing the speed at which the tool moves along the material to be adjusted to ensure precise cutting of the material. The 6340K is capable of cutting with speeds of up to 40 m/min, with a cutting resolution of 0.1 mm. It also has a range of additional features, such as a programmable heads-control tool and a multiple output data recording asset. The model also has an LCD control unit, with functions such as start and stop, speed setting, and job recall. In addition to its cutting capabilities, the 6340K also has several options for emery wheel, rough cutting, scribing, and back-tape operations. Thanks to its features, it is a useful machine for producing high-precision cuts in a variety of materials in a quick and repeatable manner.
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