Used DISCO EAD 6340K #9284078 for sale

EAD 6340K
ID: 9284078
Dicing saw.
DISCO EAD 6340K is a state-of-the-art scribing/dicing equipment from DISCO Corporation, a world leader in industrial machinery. Combining the latest in laser, optics and automation technology, it provides unmatched accuracy and consistency for repeat performance of even the most demanding tasks. The 6340K is engineered for the most demanding scribing and dicing needs, DISCO EAD series offers top-shelf features for the most advanced and intricate applications. The 6340K is capable of handling substrates sizes up to 600×600 millimeters, and substrates with thicknesses of 92 to 711 microns and uses a Nd-YAG laser with a wavelength of 522nm. This provides great flexibility as it meets a broad range of processing requirements of various materials such as Silicon and GaAs. The choice of laser technology also allows for cutting shapes with smaller radii than substitute technologies. The 6340K has a positioning accuracy of 3µm and repeat precision of 0.5µm, achievable with their proprietary laser AF (Auto Focus) system which allows for quick and precise focusing of the laser to the substrate surface. This makes even the most intricate tasks possible as the auto adjust focus can follow the contours of the material, ensuring the cuts made are consistent and accurate. This laser AF unit also allows for high-speed processes, enabling DISCO EAD series to achieve throughputs up to 30,000 pieces per hour. The 6340K is fitted with a motorized XY-axis for absolute positioning accuracy and a high-speed vertical axis for higher productivity and a wider range of materials. For greater accuracy and repeatability, the positioning accuracy is within an IP (Interval Point) of 3µm, while the repeat accuracy is within an IP of 0.5µm. This allows for more intricate jobs with high accuracy and repeatability. DISCO EAD series is also equipped with a Vision machine, which can recognize fiducial marks and further aids in precise cutting of intricate shapes up to lines of 0.1 mm width. The power supply is C-Arm based which provides for water circulation cooling to the laser, providing for faster and more precise heat dissipation. DISCO EAD series is the perfect scribing and dicing solution for precision and micro-processing applications such as cutting LCD glass and solar cells. It is the perfect choice for fast and accurate scribing, dicing and engraving of delicate and intricate pieces without compromising accuracy and speed. Its advanced laser AF tool ensures repeat performance even with intricate jobs, making it the ideal choice for precision engineering and micro-processing applications.
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