Used NAICHI FUJIKOSHI USP-9B #9166538 for sale
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NAICHI FUJIKOSHI USP-9B is an advanced wafer grinding, lapping and polishing equipment designed to finish and improve the quality of various types of materials such as ICs, MEMS, optoelectronics, and other precision thin-film and thin-wafer devices. It features an advanced, computer-controlled grinding system capable of high-level precision processing that can accommodate substrates up to 200mm in diameter. The unit is equipped with a multi-axial, linear grinding assistant and provides tight control of grinding paths and angles with high repeatability. The machine's linear grinding assistant offers a rapid, and consistent approach to wafer grinding. This ensures a reduction in loading and unloading time while providing an increase in accuracy and reliability. The tool can also perform wafer grinding operations using a high-speed spindle, such as the grinding of low-metallized films, as well as wafer lapping and polishing of the same wafers. With the capability of grinding at up to 1μm diamond grit, this asset provides fast and accurate grinding of the wafer surface. As an effective, and highly precise model for wafer grinding and polishing, USP-9B can provide a high-end finish for various materials while preserving the integrity of the substrate. The equipment also features a clamping, and holding system that ensures stable and repeatable wafer positioning. The unit also utilizes a PLC-based unit for the collection of real-time operation data, the automatic monitoring of grindstone conditions, and the controlling of glue pressure. In addition, the user interface of NAICHI FUJIKOSHI USP-9B can be customized to easily input, monitor, and manage hybrid wafer and substrate data. Finally, a comprehensive selection of grinding pads and abrasive tools is available to ensure the best results for various materials and processes. Overall, USP-9B is a highly advanced and precise machine for wafer grinding, lapping, and polishing. It features a number of customizable options and computer-controls, allowing it to be used for various applications and materials while providing superior results, accuracy, and reliability.
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