Used SPEEDFAM 36 GPAW #9203265 for sale

ID: 9203265
Vintage: 2015
Lapping system 2015 vintage.
SPEEDFAM 36 GPAW is a wafer grinding, lapping and polishing equipment that is specifically designed to meet the high precision requirements of today's semiconductor industry. It features a high definition, PLC-controlled abrasive media control system to ensure a uniform silicon wafer grinding, lapping and polishing process. SPEEDFAM 36GPAW has multiple processing heads for improved grinding, lapping and polishing efficiency. Its heads are designed for either manual, touch-free or fully automatic operation. For manual operation, the heads come with a wide range of adjustable parameters to ensure the precision required for high-end semiconductor processing. At the same time, the unit's advanced PLC control ensures repeatability, accuracy and cost-efficiency. 36 GPAW is equipped with an advanced, closed-loop media control machine to guarantee a uniform and consistent silicon wafer grinding, lapping, and polishing process. This tool consists of a PLC, a water tank with pumps, a media reservoir, and a media feeder. The PLC enables the automated, precise control of the media supply and abrasivity, ensuring repeatable results with every run. The media feeder is designed for single and multiple stone processing and features per-stone dosing and positioning. 36GPAW is also equipped with a cooling and filtration asset, which ensures minimum wafer heating and maximum removal of ejected material. The model is capable of grinding, lapping and polishing chips up to 6.5 inch (165mm) in diameter in a single cycle. It can also be adapted to custom-sized wheels that accommodate various semiconductor processing needs. In addition, an array of safety features ensures that the equipment is operating safely at all times. An emergency stop and an automatic restart system are both included as part of the standard package. The unit also includes a "set and forget" alarm monitoring feature that reminds users to change media filter plates, as well as a lock out/tag out machine for added user safety. Overall, SPEEDFAM 36 GPAW is a highly efficient and reliable wafer grinding, lapping and polishing tool that will provide both high precision and cost-efficiency for any semiconductor processing needs. Its advanced and efficient abrasive control asset ensures a uniform process every time, while its other features make it one of the most efficient wafer grinding, lapping and polishing systems on the market.
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