Used SPEEDFAM 36 GPAW #9268568 for sale

ID: 9268568
Vintage: 2012
Single side polisher 2012 vintage.
SPEEDFAM 36 GPAW is a wafer grinding, lapping and polishing equipment capable of grinding, lapping, smoothing and polishing semiconductor wafers for high-performance electronic devices, sensors, and components. This specialized system is designed to automate certain operations that were previously done manually. SPEEDFAM 36GPAW unit consists of a base machine with two major components - the S 36 Grinder and the P 36A Polisher. The S 36 Grinder is a high-end grinding tool used to remove surface imperfections from semiconductor wafers. It uses a specialized diamond grinding wheel to grind down the wafer material and create a flat and even surface. The P 36A Polisher is a high-accuracy in-process polisher for achieving the required surface smoothness. This polisher uses a combination of a polymer-resin-coated polishing pad and a high-frequency lapping mechanism to reduce the wafer surface roughness. The tool can also be upgraded with additional components, such as the W 36 Wafer Loader, which can be used to load wafers into the machine. This component is designed for increased safety and efficiency, reducing the time needed for manual loading. Additionally, the asset can be equipped with a manual calibration station, an automated wafer mapper, an micro-inspection station, and a surface profiling model. Other features of 36 GPAW include an intuitive graphical user interface for easy operation, a fully integrated data acquisition and validation equipment that tracks production yields, and a wide range of grinding and polishing parameters that can be adjusted to meet a wide range of performance requirements. Additionally, the system is capable of operating under a variety of process conditions, such as high temperatures and low pressures. Finally, the unit comes with an automatic shut-off machine that will shut down the tool if a process error occurs. 36GPAW is the ideal wafer grinding, lapping and polishing asset for producing high-quality surface finishes for many kinds of electronic components. This model offers unparalleled accuracy and repeatability, making it an ideal choice for applications where tight surface specifications are required.
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