Used SPEEDFAM 36 MS #9288024 for sale

ID: 9288024
Wafer waxing machine.
SPEEDFAM 36 MS wafer grinding, lapping & polishing equipment is an advanced machine for fabrication of semiconductor wafers, optoelectronics and various flat panel displays. The system has been designed to grind, lap and polish both single sided and double sided wafers with a range of sizes up to 300mm diameter. The advanced unit is equipped with an adjustable loading machine to handle different substrates and various blade diameters. It is also equipped with a precision motorized indexing and air bearing spindle that ensures superior grinding accuracy. The closed loop feedback control tool helps to maintain an even grinding pressure and offers high repeatability. The configuration also allows the machine to be used for production and double-sided processes. The machine can be programmed for different grinding, lapping and polishing processes with a repeatable and controllable result. The proprietary grinding technology eliminates cross contamination related problems often seen with chemical-mechanical polishing. SPEEDFAM 36MS incorporates a high precision spindle motor with direct drive and a dedicated enclosure construction with excellent air filtering and thermal control that ensures longer life performance with higher throughput and fewer scrap material. The asset employs an expertly engineered design which enables it to be used for any type of production process. Its precision motorized indexing and air bearing spindle enables it to grind, lap and polish both single and double-sided wafers, with diameters up to 300mm. This is made possible with an adjustable loading model that handles different substrates and blades. The equipment is also equipped with a closed loop feedback control to ensure consistent grinding pressures and high repeatability. In addition, the machine allows for advanced programming of grinding, lapping and polishing processes to obtain a desired output. To ensure the quality of the output, 36 MS is built with several features such as dedicated enclosure construction with excellent air filtering and thermal control, a cooling system, and a high precision spindle motor with direct drive. The proprietary grinding technology ensures that cross contamination is not a problem. The unit is also built to be easy to operate and maintain, making it a great choice for any fabrication workshop. 36MS wafer grinding, lapping & polishing machine is a superior machine designed to fabricate the highest quality parts with the best efficiency and reliability. The tool's robust construction, advanced control features, and precise motorized indexing and air bearing spindle allow for repeatable, controlled processes and excellent results. It is a highly versatile tool suitable for any fabrication workshop.
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