Used SPEEDFAM 5B-7L-II #293616758 for sale

ID: 293616758
Vintage: 1985
Double sided lapping system 1985 vintage.
SPEEDFAM 5B-7L-II is a precision wafer grinding, lapping and polishing equipment. This system is designed to grind, lap and polish multiple types of semiconductor materials and to produce precision machined surfaces for further processings. The unit is designed for high precision and for ease of use and maintenance. Its components are designed to provide maximum flexibility for varying materials and processes, with minimal setup time. The machine's main operating principle is a combination of several stages. It starts with an eight station rotary table that supports up to seven wafers. The wafers are set in place and loaded with a vacuum chuck. Once secure, the hardened tooling coupled with the rotary table is used to grind the surface of the wafer by using diamond tools. The wafer is then moved over to the lapping station where it is further polished through the use of diamond-embedded lapping plates. The lapping process is repeated as necessary, until desired surface finish is achieved. Subsequently, the wafer is moved to the polishing station for a finer finish. Here, the wafer is mechanically polished by diamond-embedded polishing plates. Finally, the wafer is inspected before being unloaded from the machine. Among its main features, 5B-7L-II integrates a unique dust collecting machine that offers total protection to the wafer while working. This tool consists of a vacuum chamber located at the bottom of the machine and a separate air filtration unit. This offers a dust-free work environment, high processing capacity and optimal performance. The machine is also equipped with an embedded computer asset that controls its operation and facilitates remote monitoring and parameter adjustment. In addition, the machine is capable of automatically adjusting its operation parameters as needed throughout the process, resulting in a consistently high-quality product. SPEEDFAM 5B-7L-II's versatility and precision makes this model ideal for industrial usage and for any application requiring superior machined surfaces. The equipment is used in the production of semiconductors, ICs and other electronic components to create the finest surface for optimal performance. It is used in the automotive, aerospace, medical, consumer products and other industries.
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