Used SPEEDFAM SFDL-20B-5P #9143456 for sale

ID: 9143456
Vintage: 1995
Polishing system Includes: Pump Tank 1995 vintage.
SPEEDFAM SFDL-20B-5P is a wafer grinding, lapping and polishing equipment that was specifically designed to meet the demands of microfabrication applications. It is composed of five independent units, each providing a different grinding, lapping and polishing process. Each unit is interconnected and provides a 'closed loop' system, which allows the user to achieve the desired results in an efficient and repeatable manner. The five processing units provide: tandem grinding; lapping; diamond switching; profile wheel-grinding; and flat-polishing. The tandem grinding unit can handle semiconductor wafers up to 200mm with an accuracy of +/- 0.25 microns. It provides a multi-step, finish-grinding process, where the wafers are passed through two rotating grinding wheels of different grits. This process produces an even, uniform grinding and polishing of the wafer's surface. The lapping unit uses diamond slurry to polish the wafer's surface. It works by passing the wafer between two large, flat, diamond-impregnated surfaces, using controlled force and motion. This provides a uniform, high-gloss finish with tight tolerances that can match the international SEMI standards. The diamond switching unit offers both single- and multi-step wafer-processing, depending on the user's needs. In the single-step process, an automated switch from a grinding wheel to a diamond polishing plate takes place. The multi-step process uses a combination of several tools, such as a diamond blade, grinding wheel and polishing plate, each with its own purpose. The profile wheel-grinding unit allows the user to shape or form the wafer surface by using a rotating, profile grind wheel to create precise profiling or hole-taper-edge forms. The unit features an air bearing spindle that offers high-speed accuracy and repeatability of the profile or form. Finally, the flat-polishing unit provides a precise, fast, and repeatable flat-surface polishing that is free from subsurface damage. The unit works by mounting a polishing plate onto a flat surface and pressing a wafer down onto it. This creates a uniform flat-finish on the wafer's surface. In summary, SFDL-20B-5P is a highly advanced and sophisticated wafer grinding, lapping and polishing unit that can be used to produce professional, high-quality results for microfabrication applications. It provides a 'closed loop' machine that ensures accurate, repeatable results with each cycle. It incorporates five independent units that provide an array of processing possibilities, from tandem grinding and lapping to diamond switching and flat-polishing. It is ideal for those seeking precision and quality in their wafer processing solutions.
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