Used ASML PAS 5500 / 400D #9269681 for sale

ASML PAS 5500 / 400D
PAS 5500 / 400D
ID: 9269681
Wafer Size: 8"
Vintage: 2004
i-Line stepper, 8" Lens type: 40 SMIF Automation online component: SECE I / II Reticle size: 8" WH Type: Edge sensor Inline flow: Right (2) WL Port numbers PPD Type: IRIS Lens and Illumination: Max NA: 0.7 Bottom module type: Aerial 1 Stage: Scan speed: 250 mm/sec Chuck: Pin chuck 2004 vintage.
ASML PAS 5500 / 400D is a wafer stepper used in the semiconductor industry for photolithography exposure. It is a complex imaging equipment that uses a variety of precision lens and actuator systems to project a pattern onto a surface of coated wafers. The tool uses new innovations, including semi-automated lenses and wafer stage systems. This system can process exposed substrates with minimum footprints of 6-7nm for production. ASML PAS 5500/400D uses a KrF (Krypton Fluoride) excimer laser that produces optimal clarity due to its superior optics. This laser produces 248nm ultraviolet light, used to transfer the mask's patterns on to the wafer. To maintain the accuracy of the mask alignments and process repeatability, its patented actuated mirror scanning unit provides precise alignment of the laser light along both X and Y axes. This creates a precise scan across the wafer. PAS 5500 / 400 D features an innovative wafer stage, allowing the machine to use a combination of vibration suppression and advanced motion control algorithms. This wafer stage tool features anti-clamp protection, optimal tracking, and an auto-focus asset for high accuracy during the scan. This advanced model ensures wafers remain square and centered throughout the scan. The tool also features a binary optic to isolate light scattered from the mask. Its high capacity substrate holder is capable of processing 12" wafers and provides automated solutions to photoresist coating. To provide the highest image resolution and enable a wider range of exposure levels, the tool is also equipped with a high-performance objective lens equipment. This adjustable system can reduce the depth of focus while increasing the overlay accuracy. The unit also makes use of a precision laser beam deflection machine powered by a patented pair of oscillators, allowing for horizontal overlays to within 0.50 micro-meter accuracy. Finally, PAS 5500/400D is designed for maximum uptime and production volume, with an advanced diagnostics tool that provides real-time tool status information. This allows operators to easily evaluate tool performance and maintain full control of the process window. This asset also makes use of a high-speed data acquisition model to reduce load time and increase pattern throughput. This equipment offers unmatched repeatability and throughput for production excellence.
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