Used CANON FPA 2500 i3 #9173300 for sale

CANON FPA 2500 i3
FPA 2500 i3
ID: 9173300
CANON FPA 2500 i3 Wafer Stepper is a next generation, production-grade lithography machine used in the fabrication of semiconductor chips, including cutting-edge processors and microelectronics. This state-of-the-art piece of equipment is capable of delivering a top-notch performance while boasting a smaller footprint. The machine is equipped with a unique stepper design that helps it to achieve a high throughput for improved wafer throughput making it an ideal tool for chip manufacturers. At the heart of CANON FPA-2500I3 Wafer Stepper is an integrated control unit that features several capabilities. The equipment is capable of controlling the exposure time, wafer transport, and aerodynamic functions. This helps to ensure that the machine operates optimally during all phases of the lithography process. Additionally, the system is highly accurate and repeatable due to its precision optical column. This allows the machine to precisely align the optics and pattern onto the wafer to enable clean and defined patterns. The optics of the machine are also of superior quality and include lens filters and coatings. The lens filters provide eliminate any haze or other flaws that can impact the patterned image, resulting in improved clarity and detail. The coatings can also provide different levels of protection against dust, water, and other contaminants which can affect the structure of the chip. The stepper has been designed to meet the stringent requirements and production demands within the industry, making it a reliable solution for chip and processor manufacturing. FPA-2500 I3 Wafer Stepper also includes advanced features such as an Automatic Wafer Loader which is used to monitor and protect wafers from being damaged or scratched. Other features include a sophisticated vacuum unit and a quality control suite that keeps track of the process in real time. Overall, FPA 2500 i3 Wafer Stepper is an ideal choice for chip manufacturers due to its advanced optical systems, feature set, and robust construction. By providing accurate and repeatable lithography, the machine helps businesses reduce cycle times while delivering fewer defective chips. This reliability and efficiency make CANON FPA 2500 I 3 Wafer Stepper a vital tool in any semiconductor chip manufacturing facility.
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