Used CANON FPA 2500 i3 #9394903 for sale

CANON FPA 2500 i3
FPA 2500 i3
ID: 9394903
Wafer Size: 6"
Wafer stepper, 6".
CANON FPA 2500 i3 is an advanced wafer stepper that offers selectable resolutions, varying from 0.10 μm to 2.00 μm. It is designed to provide high patterning accuracy and repeatability, enabling production of high-quality dies. CANON FPA-2500I3 features a 200mm wafer stage with a high-speed X-Y stage and integrated wafer mapping servo, ensuring rapid alignment and positioning of the wafer at any desired location. An advanced optically flat chuck, coupled with a proximity scanning equipment, helps ensure the accuracy of alignment and positioning. It is also equipped with a rubberized wafer delivery system to quickly and accurately load, transport, and unload wafers. FPA-2500 I3 offers a maximum illumination power of 350mUV and a maximum field size of 18 x 18mm. It is also equipped with a 635nm laser beam unit for superior light throughput and improved patterning performance. The use of a high-power laser beam can assure higher quality and accuracy, while reducing its total exposure time. In terms of optical alignment, FPA 2500 i3 features precision collimators and scan lenses, along with optical aberration correcting systems. It also boasts a double refractive lens machine, which helps reduce aberrations and improve overall optical performance. Finally, CANON FPA-2500 I3 is designed to meet the stringent actual performance requirements for cost-effective and high-quality die production. It is optimized for shutter-free, continuous repetitive exposure, and the incorporation of wafer heating and cooling systems ensures consistent die profile and uniformity of throughput. FPA-2500I3 is a reliable and advanced wafer stepper that can be used to consistently produce high-quality dies. Its precision alignment and optically flat chuck, coupled with its powerful laser beam tool, ensure accuracy and improved wafer throughput. Furthermore, the addition of shutter-free continuous exposure and temperature control systems ensure uniformity and consistency of die profiles, resulting in higher efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
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