Used CANON FPA 6000 ES6a #9305230 for sale

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FPA 6000 ES6a
ID: 9305230
Wafer Size: 12'
Vintage: 2005
KrF Scanner, 12" Wavelength: 248 nm CYMER ELS-7310 Laser Magnification: 1/4 Illumination NA: 0.86, σ 0.95 to 0.25 Annular ratio: 1/2 to 3/4 Opening angle: 90 XY Dipole illumination TEL Lithius track interface Lens data Illumination optical system: AFIS Input switching: 15-Tier turret Aperture1: 13-Tier turret Aperture2: 4-Tier turret Projection lens NA: 0.55 - 0.86 LIPS Focus Alignment system: FRA Reticle alignment AGA Wafer alignment Reticle SMIF loader: PPC Reticle barcode reader (2D), 6" OMRON Tag reader Relay FOUP Right inline Wafer type: Notch, 12" Cool plate before exposure (WTC) Does not include Hard Disk Drive (HDD) 2005 vintage.
CANON FPA 6000 ES6a wafer stepper is a versatile, user-friendly lithography machine used in semiconductor production. It is a dedicated wafer stepper produced by CANON Inc., a leading manufacturer of high-end imaging equipment. This machine is designed for high precision and high productivity. It features a unique configuration of optical components and computer controls which enable it to produce superb wafer patterns with sub-micron resolution. The device features a state-of-the-art rotating scan mechanism with computer-controlled planar adjustments, allowing for efficient and precise alignment of the mask with the wafer. With its ability to seamlessly switch between large and small field of views, the ES6a offers unmatched flexibility. The optics module of the device is equipped with a large plurality of lenses ensuring that the projected pattern is of exceptional fidelity. The system is fully compatible with the industry-standard GDSII data format, allowing for easy data transfer and compatibility with third-party software. In addition to its impressive performance, CANON FPA 6000ES6A is also designed for easy and intuitive operation. The system is completely automated, from exposure to alignment to stepper/scanner control, eliminating the need for manual intervention. Furthermore, the machine is designed to be ergonomic for the engineer, with its wide range of operator control options. Adjustments such as exposure settings, focus positions and motion control parameters can all be adjusted easily from the interface. FPA-6000ES6A ensures fast, accurate production of perfect patterns with a minimum of operator input and effort. With its top-of-the-line optical design, unparalleled precision and easy operation, CANON FPA-6000ES6A is the ideal choice for high volume semiconductor production.
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