Used NIKON NES1 H04 #9225317 for sale

NES1 H04
ID: 9225317
Wafer Size: 6"
Vintage: 2010
Mini steppers, 6" Resolution: 2 μ L/S, K=0.8 Wave frequency: H line (405 nm) N.A: 0.16 Exposure range: 15.00 mm x 15.00 mm ~ 11.23 mm x 18 mm Alignment accuracy: |M| 3σ ≦ 0.3 μm Reticle size: 5” x 5”, t=0.09" Quartz glass Throughput: 6” Wafer (61) shots, 60w/h 2010 vintage.
NIKON NES1 H04 is a high-precision wafer stepper designed for the challenging photolithography processes in semiconductor manufacturing. It offers finely detailed imaging with a resolution of 325nm/step. The intuitive design is easily adapted to various lamination and exposure applications. The wafer stepper features a precision and reliable scanning system, which enables the precise alignment of the mask and the wafer, ensuring accurate and repeatable horizontal and vertical coordinates. It is equipped with a large-format orientation stage that supports fan-beam stitching to provide superior accuracy in pattern alignment, and a full-scan mode for larger wafers. NIKON NES1-H04 offers a number of features that make photolithography applications easier and more efficient. It includes NIKON proprietary Voice Image Process Technology (VIPT) which allows users to quickly tune exposure parameters according to patterns and materials. It also includes world leading multi-EXEL automation to support high DUT acceptance. The wafer stepper also features an intuitive touchscreen user interface, which provides direct access to all of the machine's features and settings. This includes a camera view for visualizing work progress, as well as preset exposure settings. All of these design features combine to provide excellent performance for a range of photolithography applications. The reliable scanning system ensures precise pattern alignment, while the intuitive GUI makes adjustments quick and easy. For users who need the highest level of detail and accuracy in their photolithography processes, NES1 H04 is an ideal solution.
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