Used NIKON NSR S308F #9304337 for sale

ID: 9304337
ArF Scanner.
NIKON NSR S308F stepper is an advanced semiconductor lithography equipment used in the fabrication of integrated circuits. The stepper features three-step reduction optics, a large field plate that can accommodate substrates up to 10 inches in diameter, and includes a proprietary Advanced Scanning System for high speed, high precision patterning. The unit has a scan field size of 8x10 inches and is capable of imaging in both positive and negative image modes. NSR S308F utilises a broad range of wavelengths that range from 248nm to 35nm. The stepper is compatible with a variety of light sources, including i-line, krypton fluoride (KrF) and second-generation ArF. The machine also features a number of advanced imaging capabilities, such as a low-vibration air bearing for excellent throughput and a wafer transport tool that ensures stable performance. The asset is equipped with several advanced automated features that enable easy and efficient handling of substrates. These include a wafer alignment model, a vacuum chuck with a clamping zone for quick substrate loading, and a scanning stage shift equipment. The automatic reticle loading/unloading feature allows rapid changeover of patterns and accurate patterning, providing superior throughput and high yield. The high-performance stepper is designed to provide precise overlay registration and accurate edge placement with its 5nm registration accuracy. Also, the system is equipped with a number of features to ensure stable conditions, including an automatic focus control unit, an EFG (electron-force lens) machine, and an advanced heater control tool that maintains temperature accuracy within +/- 0.5 degrees Celsius. Finally, the asset is designed to offer environment-friendly operation, with low power consumption and low emissions of noise and heat. To sum up, NIKON NSR S308F stepper is an excellent choice for achieving high yield and accuracy in semiconductor lithography. It is able to handle a wide range of substrates and feature an array of automated functions for efficient handling. With its 5nm registration accuracy and environment-friendly design, NSR S308F stepper is sure to bring precision and quality to any production process.
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