Used NIKON NSR SF130 #9207085 for sale

ID: 9207085
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2004
i-Line stepper, 12" Reticle, 6" Wavelength: 365 nm Surface illumination (Standard): 1000 [mW/c m]/more Reduction ratio: 1 : 4 Throughput: FIA-EGA: 120 Wafer/hour or more LSA-EGA: 96 Wafer/hour or more Step pitch: 25 nm x 33 mm 76 Shots (Wafers, 12") Exposure amount: 90 mJ/c m² Resolution: 280 nm / Less Alignment accuracy: 35 nm / Less (M+ 3σ) Lighting NA: I-NA: 0.43 CONV I-NA: 0.36 CONV I-NA: 0.50 2/3Ann Projection lens NA: Variable 0.50~0.62 VRA Angle / Exposure range (Scan field): 26 x 33 mm, 25 x 33 mm Wafer alignment: FIA/LSA LC Control: Adjust only 25 x 33 mm 2004 vintage.
NIKON NSR SF130 is a high-performance, high-accuracy wafer stepper that is used for the fabrication of advanced, high-density devices on semiconductor wafers. It utilizes a high-resolution, large-field image scanning and pattern alignment equipment, along with an advanced stepped scan control mechanism and a unique exposure control system that ensure uniform and accurate exposure. NIKON NSR-SF130 is built on a modular design platform for optimum flexibility in wafer handling capabilities and expanded field sizes. It is equipped with a lithographic scanning stage capable of very high-speed scanning, with detection accuracy of 0.0025mm and a field size from 5" to 12" (line-pair) for large die production. The stepper features an advanced image transfer unit (ITS) to ensure optimal image quality, with a 5m-pixel camera machine and a shutter bore diameter of up to 65mm for advanced wafer alignment accuracy. The control tool functions as a single unit with the illumination and autofocus components for advanced imaging. NSR SF 130 utilizes its unique exposure control asset with a long-reflection light source to provide uniform, high-accuracy exposure. It has excellent field flatness, along with advanced dicing and lithography instructions that enable advanced lithography pattern recognition and optimization. The stepper features a cylindrical lens that utilizes a variable aspect ratio model and alignment in the Y-axis for high uniformity exposure. Its advanced stage control equipment features field centring for accurate wafer alignment, along with enhanced rotational alignment for uniform exposure. NIKON NSR SF 130 is powered by an advanced computer platform, with a highly robust operating system and software, which ensure high performance and low maintenance. The software includes best-in-class alignment utilities and pattern recognition capabilities. Further, the exposure control unit ensures optimal efficiency, enabling exposure up to 0.12um size line/space with accuracy. It also features new exposure control technology, including optimized stage integration, flat field accuracy, improved image quality, and wide field size. NSR SF130 is certified by SEMI SECS-II and is compliant with SEMI PV2-0375. It is an efficient and reliable wafer stepper for advanced lithographic processing.
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