Used BRUKER-AXS Dektak XT #9237895 for sale

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ID: 9237895
Profilometer Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional.
BRUKER-AXS Dektak XT is a high-precision, multi-purpose wafer testing and metrology equipment that is designed to measure both topography and profile of a wide range of surfaces including semiconductor wafers and circuit boards. This wafer testing and metrology system is equipped with a high-resolution, low-noise Confocal Raman imaging module that is capable of analyzing a wide range of samples in terms of composition, crystallographic orientation and thickness distribution. The microscope features an automated Z-axial focusing unit for acquiring topographic images of samples with a resolution of up to 5nm. Moreover, it supports a full range of sample positioning devices, including motorized x-y-z stages and rotary stages, providing flexibility and accuracy for accurate sample probing. BRUKER-AXS DEKTAKXT also features a variety of surface analysis technologies, such as profile and step measurements, surface roughness measurements, peak/trough determination, 3D profile refracting, and monolayer analysis. It is equipped with a wide range of probes, including a nano mechanical probing machine, a surface profilometer, an optical profilometer, an atomic force microscopy (AFM) to measure surface forces characteristics, and a spectral reflectometer. Additionally, it supports an integrated interferometric optical microscope for non-contact surface characterization, providing sample magnification up to 200 times the actual size and sub-micron resolution. Dektak XT also offers a variety of measurement functions such as feature size measurements, critical dimension determinations, line width measurements, center line measurements, and granularity/surface finish measurements. Furthermore, this wafer testing and metrology tool comes with several software packages such as AnalYS software, which enables you to measure both 3D and 2D sample surfaces, a remote technique control package, and a library of point filters. Overall, DEKTAKXT is an advanced and reliable wafer testing and metrology asset that enables researchers and engineers to accurately measure the topography and profile of a variety of surfaces. Its state-of-the-art technologies, combined with flexible sample positioning devices and specialized software packages, offers the highest level of accuracy and repeatability for all types of surface analysis.
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