Used KLA / TENCOR AIT II #9387208 for sale

ID: 9387208
Defect inspection system, 8" Laser: 75 mW ASB Open handler Does not include: Computer Calibration wafers.
KLA / TENCOR AIT II is an advanced wafer testing and metrology equipment. The system provides non-contact optical metrology, enabling high productivity and accuracy in wafer inspection. Additionally, it features innovative beam line technologies to increase accuracy and repeatability. The unit is capable of detecting surface defects, contaminants, and defects in patterns or other fine features with extremely high precision, ideal for ensuring quality in wafer production. KLA AIT II consists of a compact optical metrology tool and a comprehensive control machine for parameter setting, optical alignment, and data collection. The tool utilizes linear scale X-Y-Z translations, making three-dimensional imaging possible. The technology is also capable of scanning a wide range of pattern sizes with image resolutions up to 0.5 micron. This allows the detection of any imperfections that may be difficult to spot with the naked eye. The asset incorporates several innovative technologies to improve image fidelity and image processing speed. These include an advanced auto-focusing mechanism, a redundant light source, a set of beam-line optics, and a beam-path control and autointensity balancing. A laser auto-focus provides high accuracy and extended dynamic range of focus for static and high-speed imaging applications. Redundant light sources provide illumination redundancy and consistent image brightness. Beam-line optics provide wide-field imaging and high-resolution imaging with precise short wavelength illumination. Beam-path control enables wide-field measurements over large surface areas, with rapid iteration and image acquisition speeds. Autointensity balancing provides consistent and accurate illumination across the imaging area. Combined, these technologies provide superior image fidelity and increased throughput for sample qualification. TENCOR AIT II wafer testing and metrology model offers a robust and reliable platform for wafer inspection and production. The equipment's advanced technologies offer unparalleled image fidelity, enabling exact and precise measurements with minimal operator involvement. Advanced optical metrology capabilities make it the perfect choice for production applications.
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