Used KLA / TENCOR FLX-2908 #293587953 for sale

ID: 293587953
Wafer Size: 6"
Vintage: 1994
Thin film stress measurement system, 6" 1994 vintage.
KLA / TENCOR FLX-2908 Wafer Testing and Metrology Equipment is an integrated metrology solution designed to deliver high-speed, high-quality wafer inspection and metrology. It is designed to ensure optimal wafer throughput in advanced semiconductor fabrication operations. KLA FLX-2908 platform combines the accuracy of a very high-precision automated calibration system with high speed, high-productivity measurement capabilities. It leverages a variety of optical, imaging and chemical sensors to perform inspection, measurement and analysis. It also offers an integrated memory function, allowing for fast and reliable results analysis. TENCOR FLX 2908 utilizes a special imaging unit that enables it to capture both wafer surface and backside details. It has a high lateral resolution and an image transfer rate of up to 10 MHz, allowing for a maximum scan rate of 8K x 8K in less than 10 seconds. With this machine, users can measure and/or inspect lateral wall structures, check defect inclusions, inspect CD and overlay requirements, and inspect OPC overlaps. The tool also comes equipped with a unique Temperature Controlled Wafer Stage to ensure an extremely uniform, precisely controlled environment. This helps to ensure repeatable and reliable performance in a wide range of ambient temperatures. KLA / TENCOR FLX 2908 also utilizes an advanced alignment asset for accurately positioning wafers and model components. This is a critical component, as the precision of the measurements relies heavily on the accuracy and repeatability of the alignment. Finally, the equipment comes with a suite of software applications for monitoring, analysis and reporting. This includes a sophisticated analysis suite that can detect defects as small as 3nm, and includes a sophisticated analysis library that allows users to customize inspection sequences and settings to suit their specific needs. In sum, TENCOR FLX-2908 Wafer Testing and Metrology System is an incredibly reliable and versatile tool designed to meet the stringent requirements of the most demanding semiconductor manufacturers. With its accurate and repeatable alignment, high-speed imaging unit, temperature controlled stage, and powerful analysis software, FLX 2908 is the solution of choice for ensuring quality and performance in wafer processing and metrology.
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