Used KLA / TENCOR HRP 340 #9400332 for sale

ID: 9400332
Vintage: 2006
System 2006 vintage.
KLA / TENCOR HRP 340 is a wafer testing and metrology equipment designed to provide fast, accurate non-destructive testing of large diameter IC and MEMS wafers during the manufacturing process. This system uses a high-powered ultra-violet laser light source coupled with an advanced optical metrology unit to accurately measure the thickness, planar flatness, edge straightness and other physical characteristics of microstructures on a semiconductor wafer. KLA HRP 340 is equipped with advanced optics and detectors, which enable the user to accurately capture metrology information. The machine consists of a 4.3 megapixel laser interferometer; an auto-focus/auto-align capability, an advanced optical measurement technique referred to as 'two-dimensional profilometry', and an automatic parameter calculation tool. This asset is designed specifically for testing and measuring 1" to 8" inch IC and MEMS wafers, and is capable of completing all the necessary measurements in under one minute. TENCOR HRP 340 offers complete defect detection capabilities and is able to detect various types of defects such as pinholes and etch damage. This model also has a high-throughput capability, allowing for simultaneous testing and analysis of up to 200 wafers per hour. Additionally, the equipment's automated and user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up and operate, as well as providing real-time feedback on measurement results. Furthermore, HRP 340 comes equipped with advanced inspection, analysis and reporting features. This system is able to identify and measure undetectable defects or other non-dimensional features and then store the measurement results into the onboard memory. Additionally, the user is able to easily receive an immediate comparison of their test results with pre-defined limits. An optional additional component, TDK Level 200, can provide an in-depth analysis and a full metrology report as part of the wafer test. Overall, KLA / TENCOR HRP 340 is a powerful and highly advanced wafer testing and metrology unit that is designed to measure the physical characteristics of microstructures on a semiconductor wafer. With its high-throughput capability, fast accuracies, automated setup and reporting capabilities, and advanced defect detection capabilities KLA HRP 340 is an ideal solution for semiconductor and MEMS manufacturers looking for a reliable and cost-effective wafer test solution.
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