Used KLA / TENCOR P20H #293662983 for sale
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KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX P-20H is a wafer testing and metrology equipment that is designed for production-level failure analysis and inline wafer metrology. It offers sophisticated wafer testing systems that provide rapid, high-precision failure analysis and routing decisions. The system provides precision surface metrology for advanced process control (APC) and yield management operations. The unit combines an efficient, multisensor measurement instrument with a powerful and configurable user interface, providing an integrated platform for accurate and rapid analysis. The machine also includes automated software tools that allow for rapid identification of critical defects and yield analysis. KLA P-20H is capable of measurements at high speeds in order to meet the demands of production-level testing. The tool's highly accurate, rapid and repeatable measurement capabilities enable it to provide test and metrology results that enable manufacturing engineers to identify challenging fabrication issues. The asset measures various surface parameters such as opacity, reflectance, thickness, optical uniformity, and particle sizes. It can also be configured to measure critical features such as die margins, device spacing, overlay, and line width measurements. The model offers a variety of wafer testing and metrology automation options that enable it to be used for both in-line metrology and off-line failure analysis. The equipment can be programmed to monitor and analyze wafer test results and take automatic corrective actions whenever it identifies an anomaly in the data. Additionally, the system supports an advanced visualization tool that allows users to quickly identify topological and geometric patterns, as well as process-related defects such as line-width violations, device-to-device misalignments, and over/under etching. TENCOR P20H unit has a modular design that allows it to be configured to meet specific testing and metrology needs. It is composed of a central unit and several modules that can be integrated or disassembled. Each module can be customized for wafer test coverage or use, such as for parametric testing and surface metrology, simultaneous wafer inspection, feature analysis, or film thickness and resistivity measurements. Overall, P-20H provides users with a sophisticated wafer testing and metrology machine that can perform both in-line and off-line testing. The tool's modular design and flexibility allows it to be used in production-level testing and metrology operations, as well as in process and yield management operations. Its automated testing and metrology options enable it to provide rapid, accurate, and repeatable measure and decision making, allowing users to identify challenging device issues quickly and efficiently.
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