Used KLA / TENCOR Puma 9000 #293603827 for sale

ID: 293603827
Vintage: 2003
Darkfield inspection system 2003 vintage.
KLA / TENCOR Puma 9000 is a state-of-the-art wafer testing and metrology equipment designed to enhance production and development process of semiconductor devices. It provides a comprehensive, highly accurate and cost-effective method to measure and characterize wafers over their entire surface. KLA Puma 9000 is equipped with an automated wafer handling system for improved accuracy and speed of analysis. The unit includes an advanced camera and scanning machine, exhibiting an improved sensitivity of detection for defects and features. These advanced features allow researchers to detect and analyze even the most minute details. The spectral library enables the identification and classification of signal profiles. This improves automated test operations, as well as allowing more complex characterization studies. It is furthermore supported by a powerful software package that helps to develop and analyze test plans. This enables users to map out a whole sequence of tests, in order to maximize the information derived from each wafer. TENCOR Puma 9000 also features a High-Power LDI (Laser Direct Imaging) tool, which is used to measure both front and backside photo-definition layers. This is accompanied by a Metrology Chamber Expansion Loader, which can be used to measure samples of any size, both from the front or from the back. In addition, the asset comes with an Enhanced Image Analysis Tool, which allows for the analysis of feature tests on the contour of a given wafer. The model also features Enhanced Critical Dimension Measurement, which is used to inspect the geometric properties of given features on a wafer. Finally, Puma 9000 is equipped with Fast Scanning WaferMap, an extremely sensitive tool that can detect lateral movements in individual wafers. This allows researchers to investigate local strain and thermal effects on wafers over time. In summary, KLA / TENCOR Puma 9000 provides an incredibly comprehensive and comprehensive solution for wafer testing and metrology. From improved image detection to the range of sophisticated software tools, KLA Puma 9000 is the perfect solution for increased accuracy and speed.
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