Used KLA / TENCOR Puma 9150 IS #9177224 for sale

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ID: 9177224
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2007
Darkfield inspection system, 12" Operating system: Windows 2000 based Modular inspection station Modular handler (200/300mm dual open / Dual 300mm FIMS) Flexible image computer Optics modes (5) Inspection pixel modes (sL20, sL40, sL60 included in every system) Low contact chuck Integrated ULPA filter Data transfer (CD RW, Ethernet) Wafer pre-aligner Network communication Stand alone user interface (5) Review objectives: 5x, 10x, 50x, 100x, 150x Advanced detection algorithms Defect clustering High mag review optics: Bright and darkfield review modes Autofocus capability Review sampling Earthquake restraint Dual fims, phoenix v1.3 (25) Cassettes HW, 300 mm SW Includes: (1) DSW 16.3 type 2 wafer (1) Shiny wafer (1) Haze wafer FFU Analog Enhanced throughput: sL10, 15 GEM/SECS and HSMS OHT Enabled With cbl, G4 Signal tower: PHX (RYGB) Option: NFS SW Power cable: 15 m Remote ext blower cabling, 15 m Array mode Currently installed 2007 vintage.
KLA / TENCOR Puma 9150 IS is an industry-leading wafer testing and metrology equipment. The advanced technology combines precision optical, image recognition, and metrology capabilities, enabling faster, more accurate wafer inspection and analysis. KLA Puma 9150 IS is specifically designed to meet the demands of high-volume semiconductor manufacturing. TENCOR Puma 9150 IS features nine high-resolution, automated, RGB cameras that enable wafer inspection on multiple levels with a field of view multiplexing option. This allows the user to rapidly scan wafers for several types of defects, including surface irregularities, particle contaminants, and process-related contaminants like lithography errors. The optical systems provide precise measurements down to the nanometer scale. The automated wafer inspection process allows for accurate and efficient wafer surface analysis. The system's computer vision technology enables the user to accurately identify and classify any detected defects. Additionally, Puma 9150 IS is capable of providing real-time metrology data to aid decision-making during the wafer testing phases. KLA / TENCOR Puma 9150 IS is also equipped with powerful, easy-to-use software that simplifies image capture and analysis. This software has a user-friendly graphical user interface and provides advanced video image processing capabilities. Additionally, its modularity allows for custom configurations to suit different wafer test and metrology applications. KLA Puma 9150 IS enables high-speed throughput by automatically learning from the data it collects. It is designed to verify incoming material quickly and accurately, while also providing feedback that optimizes the process for future runs. Furthermore, the integrated metrology unit stands out for its high precision. By utilizing unique calibrations, it provides results that are repeatable and accurate to the nanometer scale. Overall, TENCOR Puma 9150 IS is an advanced wafer testing and metrology machine that combines the latest optical and image recognition technologies. This robust tool provides reliable wafer inspection and metrology results with exceptional precision and repeatability. Its modularity and powerful software make it highly configurable, making it a great solution for any industry-standard wafer testing and metrology needs.
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