Used KLA / TENCOR Puma 9150 #9378316 for sale

KLA / TENCOR Puma 9150
ID: 9378316
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2006
Inspection system, 12" 2006 vintage.
KLA / TENCOR Puma 9150 is a wafer testing and metrology equipment uniquely designed to enhance process control for the semiconductor industry. This system sets the standard for advanced wafer-level metrology, providing fast, precise, accurate measurements and statistical control to ensure that device and process performance remain within the desired parameters. The unit features an advanced optical machine and image processing technology, enabling multiple wafer-level test parameter configurations and analysis. It captures images of the test subjects quickly and accurately, and can store up to 4GB of image data on the onboard hard drive. The tool is capable of inspecting and measuring features from 5 μm to 100 μm in size. KLA Puma 9150 offers integrated motion control with a fast-switching, multi-axis stage that can quickly shift between test sites. The asset features a powerful control model architecture that facilitates high-speed, high-resolution imaging and testing, ensuring that all relevant device performance parameters are evaluated on each test wafer. Additionally, advanced equipment software helps automate image acquisition, system maintenance, data processing, and result presentation. The unit's vision machine incorporates LED backlights for uniform lighting and an integrated focus mechanism that helps maintain image clarity and stability. The high-resolution CCD camera and imaging tool provides optimal image quality, and the asset captures color and monochrome images at resolutions up to 8K. TENCOR Puma 9150 also has the capability for 3D imaging, enabling operators to measure actual test performance against device fabrication design goals. In addition, the model has powerful data analysis software which provides comprehensive, customizable views of device performance. The software also includes statistical process control analysis tools that help users monitor and analyze production trends. The equipment supports a variety of data types, too, and can be configured to generate numerous types of reports, including custom reports for specific tasks, allowing for quick analysis of data. Overall, Puma 9150 wafer testing and metrology system provides the performance and flexibility needed to ensure precision, speed, and accuracy in the semiconductor manufacturing process. Its advanced technologies make the unit well-suited for use in production facilities, and its comprehensive data analysis capabilities are ideal for process engineers and R&D professionals.
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