Used KLA / TENCOR UV 1050 #9275409 for sale

ID: 9275409
Film thickness measurement system.
KLA / TENCOR UV 1050 is a wafer testing and metrology equipment designed to facilitate high-quality wafer testing, analysis, and metrology. This system is capable of inspecting a variety of wafer substrates including silicon, oxide, metal, gallium arsenide, and more. KLA UV 1050 utilizes a bright light stripe technology to measure surface geometry along with an array of sensors for surface roughness and defect detection. TENCOR UV 1050 unit provides a unique coefficient of determination between the sample and each light stripe, which provides a precise analysis of the differential interface. This machine is capable of assessing both topography and roughness parameters in a single scan. Additionally, the tool provides a comprehensive summary of measurement results based on user-defined parameters. UV 1050 utilizes an adjustable-focus microscopy for defect inspection along with a side-looking angle to determine the critical dimensions and positioned features of a particular wafer substrate. It is equipped with individual laser pins which can detect even the smallest micro-defects on a wafer surface. The asset is also capable of providing a 3D topographical analysis to accurately determine the height and depth of defects. KLA / TENCOR UV 1050 is equipped with an automated software suite for data collection, picture archiving model, and reporting. This equipment can consistently analyze up to 12 wafers at a time, with a maximum throughput rate of up to 100 wafers per hour. The data collected from KLA UV 1050 is both accurate and reliable - ensuring that wafers meet all applicable quality standards. All of these features make TENCOR UV 1050 an ideal choice for wafer testing and metrology. It is reliable, accurate, and capable of providing comprehensive information about the wafer substrate; ensuring that the wafer meets quality standards. The system is relatively easy to use and provides a comprehensive range of features for wafer testing and metrology.
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