Used DNS / DAINIPPON SU-3100 #9099733 for sale

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ID: 9099733
Vintage: 2007
Wet station, 12" 25 Wafer FOUP LED Lamp Spin dry with N2 DSP/LAL15+ozone rinse Loadport & FA communication 4 Ports FOUP Transfer system FOUP Opener Opener twice operation Place pin: 4 Pins (Cu exclusive / Mix / Non Cu divided) Foup Wafer slip sensing Wafer counting & mapping system (8) Chambers Wafer transfer system Notch align system (Loader only) Ionizer (Alarm function) Spin unit Chemical supply unit Wafer process flow Spin unit: Chemical chamber 1~8 (DSP/LAL15/O3) N2 Dispenser NANO Spray dispenser Antistatic finish (Static electricity) wafer ground Spin chuck material by chemicals Wafer chucking edge grip : ≤2 mm FDC Compatible Spin speed range: 100 ~ 3000 RPM ± 10 RPM Wafer protection function Separate drain port Chemical return to chemical tank required, Control by recipe Directed chemical rinse drain required, control by recipe Spin chucking sensor SPIN ( increase and decrease) speed required, Control by recipe Chemical attack free spin base inside Wafer & Cup level hard interlock required up/down position hard sensor Chemical chamber 1~8 (DSP / LAL15 / O3 / DIW) Front / Back control Front & back all applications Suck back function Process chemical: DSP/LAL15+Ozone rinse Dispenser (Individual install) Dispenser 1: DSP (H2SO4+H2O2+HF+DIW) Dispenser 2: LAL15 Dispenser 3: Ozone + DIW Dispenser 4: N2 Dispenser 5: Nano spray Chemical flow rate: 0.5 ~ 3.0 LPM± 0.1LPM DIW Flow rate range: 0.5 ~ 3.0 LPM± 0.1LPM Ozone rinse DIW Rinse after chemical process times Wafer cleaning and rinsing required Wafer front and backside 2007 vintage.
DNS / DAINIPPON SU-3100 is a wet station that is designed for the enhancement and improvement of semiconductor chip manufacturing processes. It is a computer-controlled equipment used for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP), and chemical wet processing of wafers and chips. The system is capable of performing wet chemical processing in a highly efficient and automated manner with minimal human intervention. The unit features a state-of-the-art wafer conveyor belt and a large chamber with several side-mounted robotic arms. The robot arms are used to precisely control the chemical wet processing and planarization operations, as well as to move the semiconductor wafers and chips. The main chamber of the machine is equipped with several sensors, including temperature, humidity and pressure sensors. The chamber is also equipped with multiple chemical control stations and a computer-controlled dispensing tool that can precisely control and deliver the correct quantities of liquids and solvents during the wet process. In addition to its automated processes, DNS SU-3100 also features an integrated measurement and analysis asset that enables the evaluation and monitoring of wafer and chip performance. This model includes an integrated microscope, optical arrayers and an integrated software that can analyze the detected data and generate an accurate graph of wafer and chip performance. The wet station also includes a digital imaging equipment that can capture images of the wafer and chip surfaces for further analysis. This system is highly accurate and can measure the surface roughness of thewafers and chips. Finally, the unit includes an advanced process-control machine and an integrated data-logging tool that can store the data and process the data for reporting and further investigation. In conclusion, DAINIPPON SU 3100 is a highly advanced wet station that offers precision control in wet chemical and planarization processes. Its integrated measurement and analysis asset and digital imaging model offer accurate performance data and image capture capabilities, while its integrated process-control equipment and data-logging system give the user a comprehensive platform for understanding and analyzing the data for further optimization.
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