Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON UW-300 #9098652 for sale

ID: 9098652
Wafer Size: 12"
Vintage: 2005
Wet bench, 12" 2005 vintage.
TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON UW-300 is a wet station for process development and device fabrication in the semiconductor industry. This wet station is designed for use in low-pressure processes such as shallow trench isolation (STI) and shallow trench etch (STE). It is also capable of producing complex structures used in technologies such as 3DIC and MEMS. TEL UW-300 features a unique, high-temperature, low-pressure process chamber equipment made of quartz and stainless steel built on a rigid frame that helps minimize temperature variations throughout the chamber and helps ensure uniformity. Its advanced plasma system is designed to produce a highly effective low pressure processing environment, which makes it ideal for etching processes. TOKYO ELECTRON UW-300 also features a number of process control and safety features. These include an automatic process controller, which monitors and regulates temperature, pressure, and other process parameters, and a patented electric discharge suppression device, which helps maintain process integrity and safety. UW-300 has a number of features that make it a versatile choice for process applications. It can accommodate up to four process chambers, each with a different process chamber gas delivery unit and a built-in gas manifold and vacuum pumps, allowing it to handle a variety of process gases at a time. Its programmable computer controller is capable of handling up to eight different wafer recipes and parameters, allowing for quick and easy setup of complex process processes and conditions. Additionally, TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON UW-300 is designed with an intuitive user interface, providing users with the ability to review current process information and make adjustments as needed. This wet station is also designed to be easy to maintain and clean. It features an automated wafer loader/unloader, which reduces the need to manually load and unload wafers, and it has an integrated wafer transfer robot machine, so clean up of process residues can occur quickly and easily. Additionally, TEL UW-300 has a built-in chemical-resistant spray nozzle for effective cleaning of the processing chamber and quartz tube. Overall, TOKYO ELECTRON UW-300 is an advanced wet station designed to provide uniform process and safety features for process development and device fabrication. Its versatility and convenience makes it a great choice for use in the semiconductor industry.
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