Used JEOL JEM 2010F #293595837 for sale

ID: 293595837
Vintage: 2000
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Ultra High Resolution (UHR) / High Resolution (HR) / High specimen Tilt (HT) / Cryo Polepice (CR) / High Contrast (HC) Polepice: URP / HRP / HTP / CRP / HCP Point: 0.19 nm / 0.23 nm / 0.25 nm / 0.27 nm / 0.31 nm Lattice: 0.1 nm / 0.1 nm / 0.1 nm / 0.14 nm / 0.14 nm Focal length: 1.9 mm / 2.3 mm / 2.7 mm / 2.8 mm / 3.9 mm Spherical coefficient: 0.5 mm / 1.0 mm / 1.4 mm / 2.0 mm / 3.3 mm Chromatic coefficient: 1.1 mm / 1.4 mm / 1.8 mm / 2.1 mm / 3.0 mm Focal step: 1.0 nm / 1.4 nm / 1.8 nm / 2.0 nm / 5.2 nm Solid angle (30 mm²): 0.13 sr / 0.13 sr / 0.13 sr / - / 0.09 sr Solid angle (50 mm²): 0.24 sr / 0.28 sr / 0.23 sr / - / 0.09 sr Take-off angle (30 mm²): 25° / 25° / 25° / - / 20° Take-off angle (50 mm²): 22.3° / 24.1° / 25° / - / 20° MAG mode: x2,000 to 1,500,000 x 1,500 to 1,200,000 x1,200 to 1,000,000 x1,000 to 800,000 Low MAG: x50 to 6,000 x 50 to 2,000 SA MAG: x8,000 to 800,000 x6,000 to 600,000 x 5,000 to 600,000 x 5,000 to 400,000 SA diffraction: 80 to 2,000 mm, 100 to 2,500 mm, 150 to 3,000 mm HD: 4 to 80 m HR: 333 mm Minimum step size: 50 V Specimen tilting holder High tilt specimen retainer STEM5 Bright-field lattice: 0.2 nm Electron source: Schottky emitter: ZrO / W(100) Brightness: ≧4x10^-8 A / cm² / sr Pressure: 1x10^-8 Pa Probe: 0.5 nA for 1 nm Power Stability: AC Voltage: ≦1x10^-6 / min OL Current: ≦1x 10^-6 / min Modes: TEM: 2 to 5 nm, 7 to 30 nm EDS: 4 to 20 nm NBD: 0.5 to 2.4 nm CBD: 1.0 to 2.4 nm Parameters: Convergence angle: 1.5 to 20 mrad Acceptance angle: ±10° Specimen shift: X, Y-Axis: 2 mm, 2 mm, 2 mm, 2 mm, 2 mm Z-Axis: ±0.1 mm, ±0.2 mm, ±0.2 mm Specimen tilt: X / Y-Axis: ±25 / ±25°, ±35 / ±30°, ±42 / ±30°, ±15 / ±10°, ±38 / ±30° X-Axis: ±25°, ±80°, ±80°, ±80°, ±80° Power supply: 160 kV, 200 kV 2000 vintage.
JEOL JEM 2010F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for analytical and materials science applications. It is equipped with a cold cathode (field-emission) electron source, with excellent source stability and brightness. The source generates a high resolution, small diameter electron beam, with a low voltage mode for investigating sensitive samples. The low energy imaging stage allows for the ability to obtain high magnification images without significant charging of the sample. The in-column configurations include an energy filtered imaging option, coaxial EDX detector, and a dedicated Schottky gun. The instrument also has a tungsten filament back-scattered electron detector that provides high magnification and contrast imaging. JEOL JEM-2010F scanning electron microscope is powered by an integrated motorized x-y stage with linear drive, and a 10-position auto-advance sample holder. The integrated motorized x-y stage offers the high precision movement to easily reposition the sample within the field of view of the electron microscope. It provides high-yield imaging by automatically advancing the next sample position following external calibration control. The mount also has a software interface to automatically write parameter data to files directly from the electron microscope. In addition, JEM 2010F also comes equipped with a digital X-Y controller for live-imaging applications. The digital X-Y controller utilizes the latest in digital imaging technology, allowing for an integrated camera system that is connected directly to the digital imaging module. Using advanced digital technology, the system is able to provide high resolution and fast cycle times. Finally, JEM-2010F features a comprehensive image analysis package, which includes both fully automated functions and manual settings. Advanced image processing algorithms, such as edge detection, particle tracking and shape recognition, are included. The interface also allows for multi-modal imaging, as well as a wide range of analytical tools, providing the user with enhanced control over the results.
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