Used JEOL JEM 2010F #9184351 for sale

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ID: 9184351
Vintage: 2010
Field emission transmission electron microscope (FETEM) Currently crated 2010 vintage.
JEOL JEM 2010F is a high performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for a wide range of application fields. This state-of-the-art SEM combines a 20mm2 field of view with a resolution down to 0.4nm and a chamber pressure of 10-9 Pa. This makes it ideal for high-resolution imaging of materials at the nanometer scale. The robust design of the SEM allows the system to handle both low and high voltage imaging, making it ideal for use for a wide range of applications. JEOL JEM-2010F can operate in a wide range of voltages from 0 to 30 kV and is also capable of operating in a variable pressure mode for non-conductive samples. This SEM features a tilt stage allowing for sample observation at any angle. JEM 2010F allows for both standard electron detection and backscattered electron imaging. With its 5 tilt in-lens STEM detector, the microscope allows for simultaneous imaging of various materials and features. In addition, its secondary electron sensing system allows for precise composite compositions mapping. The operation of JEM-2010F is simplified by an intuitive user interface and powerful automation capabilities. This allows for fast and efficient imaging with minimal user intervention. Furthermore, JEOL JEM 2010F is integrated with a suite of post-processing and analytical tools, providing the complete workflow from imaging to analysis. This includes the ability to measure a wide variety of properties such as surface topology, composition, grain size, layer thickness, and doping concentration. JEOL JEM-2010F is an ideal choice for high-resolution imaging and complex sample analysis. Its wide range of features, coupled with its robust design and powerful user interface, makes JEM 2010F an ideal solution for a variety of applications.
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