Used JEOL JSM 6100 #9219588 for sale

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ID: 9219588
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Imaging detectors SEI and solid state BEI (3) Sample holders: 12 mm, 32 mm and 78 mm Wafer sample holder, 6" Diffusion and roughing pumps SEM Keyboard Stainless steel column Joystick driven stage Detector: 10 mm Qual and quant ED programs Digital imaging Line scanning Elemental dot mapping (6) K-type filaments included.
JEOL JSM 6100 is a type of scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for high resolution imaging of materials at both low and high magnifications. This powerful analytical tool combines an exceptional combination of extremely high resolution imaging, superior depth of field, and high-sensitivity elemental detection capabilities with a wide range of specimen size and shape compatibility. The instrument combines a variable pressure scanning electron microscope with an ultra-high-resolving lens system. The electron gun is equipped with a low-vacuum thermionic filament and provides a primary electron beam thickness of just 0.2 nm. This high precision makes JEOL-JSM 6100 perfectly suited for applications requiring high-resolution imaging and surface analysis. The unique vacuum pumping system allows the system to be evacuated down to ultra-low pressures, which greatly improves the production of high quality SE (secondary electron) images. The secondary electron detector is equipped with a variable scan rate and a dynamic aperture, which further enhances imaging quality and flexibility. The advanced SE detector features an array of up to four detectors, each with a field of view of 5 or 10 µm when magnified up to 300,000 times. This enables simultaneous SE imaging in multiple channels for advanced applications such as multi-energy imaging and electron-beam lithography. Additionally, JEOL-JEOL JSM 6100 is equipped with an optional backscatter electron detector that makes it suitable for use in ESEM (environmental SEM) mode. In addition to its high precision imaging capabilities, JEOL-JSM 6100 also supports a wide range of standard and optional analytical capabilities, including energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence. With its high resolution imaging, superior depth of field, and wide range of analytical capabilities, JEOL-JEOL JSM 6100 is ideal for powerful materials inspection and characterization.
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