Used JEOL JSM 6340F #293601758 for sale

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ID: 293601758
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM).
JEOL JSM 6340F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that features a high quality, high performance design for a wide range of sample imaging and analysis needs. JEOL JSM-6340F has a large depth of field, allowing for the observation of objects at various depths. The sample is illuminated with a focused beam of electrons which is then scanned across the sample, allowing for the creation of a 3D image. JSM 6340 F features an autofocusing system, an image acquisition system, and a high-performance electron gun for a wide range of analytical capabilities including materials analysis and elemental mapping. The electron gun is capable of operating up to 10kV and can be used for elemental mapping, imaging, and source analysis. An advanced image-processing system and digital signal processing allow for the analysis of images with crisp detail and resolution. JEOL JSM 6340 F is designed for flexibility, allowing for the use of a variety of detectors and detectors with different apertures. This allows for the capture of signal, secondary electrons, and backscatter electrons, or all three, resulting in complementary images. The scope also has a cryogen-free operation which ensures optimal performance, while remaining energy efficient. JEOL JSM-6340 F offers sophisticated software capabilities and an intuitive user interface, allowing for easy setup and operation. The software includes an onboard library of operational programs and the ability to fine-tune parameters for optimal results. A wide range of software packages are available for automation and data analysis such as programmable annotation tools, auto-edge resolution functions, and automated peak detection and measure algorithms. JSM-6340F provides reliable, high performance, and versatile imaging capabilities for a wide range of sample sizes, allowing for reliable and reproducible results. Its intuitive user interface allows for easy setup and operation, making it an ideal choice for materials research, industrial analysis, and many other applications.
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