Used JEOL JSM 7400F #9248819 for sale

ID: 9248819
Vintage: 2004
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) Orion image system SEIKO Turbo pump Manual 2004 vintage.
JEOL JSM 7400F is a scanning electron microscope that offers superior image quality, higher performance, and a range of user-friendly features. This equipment is ideal for research laboratories looking to make detailed observations of samples at the nanometer scale. JSM 7400F's core components are a high-resolution, low-noise variable-condenser lens system, which enables users to zoom in on target specimens at magnifications up to 50,000X, and a high-sensitivity secondary-electron detector that can detect the signals produced by the electrons accelerated through the sample material. This unit is also equipped with a variety of advanced features, such as a full-color electron beam generator that can generate up to three beams at once, and a dynamic-focus control function which constantly adjusts the focus throughout the course of a sample examination in order to enhance resolution. In regards to sample preparation, JEOL JSM 7400F has an automated sample exchange machine that enables quick and accurate sample loading and unloading. The specimen holder of this tool is also compatible with SEM and FIB stubs, which can precisely position and tilt the sample for optimal imaging. JSM 7400F is also equipped with advanced imaging functions, including a COLD field-emission gun and an internal rotatable stage. These features enable users to acquire a variety of images from the same sample, including live-action pictures, images formed with polarized light, and images of small embedded objects. The asset also supports automated image stitching for obtaining high-resolution panoramic pictures. Furthermore, JEOL JSM 7400F is designed to facilitate sharing of images between multiple users. The model carries out image processing in a compatible PC and can instantly transmit selected images over a network. This makes collaboration between researchers possible in real-time. JSM 7400F is an effective and highly advanced scanning electron microscope equipment perfect for research laboratories in need of precision imaging at nanometer scales. Its outstanding performance, easy-to-use features, and advanced imaging technology make it a valuable asset for any lab.
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