Used KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX P22 #9188384 for sale

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ID: 9188384
Wafer Size: 8"
Automated surface profilometer, 8" Automated wafer handler Open loader for 8" Computer controlled Scan method: Moving stage, stationary stylus Scan length: 205mm (8") Scan speed: 1 μm/sec to 25 mm/sec (0.04 mil/sec to 1 in/sec) Sampling rate: 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 sample/sec nominal Vertical ranges Resolution: ±3.2 μm / 0.5 Å (±0.13 mil/0.002 μin) ±13 μm / 2 Å (±0.51 mil/0.008 μin) 130 μm / 10 Å (±5.1 mil/0.04 μin) Vertical linearity: ±0.5% above 2000 Å, 10 Å below 2000 Å Stylus control: Programmable force MHII range: 0.05-50 mg Resolution: 0.1 mg Programmable descent rate Dual view optics Side view optics: 150-600x Top view optics: 185-750x and 300-1200x (with user interchangeable lens) Operations manual.
KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX P22 is an advanced wafer testing and metrology equipment designed to improve the accuracy and repeatability of test and inspection processes. This system offers a combination of vision, alignment, and measurement that greatly enhances the quality assurance of semiconductor components and wafers. At the core of the unit is the Turbina Optics Platform, which offers high-speed image processing and analysis for both traditional images and three-dimensional stereoscopic images of wafers and test features. This platform is capable of rapid feature recognition and analysis for up to 265 wafers an hour, more than twice the industry standard. It also supports a variety of vision systems, from the most basic to the most advanced. KLA P22 also features advanced wafer defect inspection capabilities. This includes an automated defect inspection machine that is capable of recognizing and classifying up to 5,000 potential defects in a single wafer. This is in addition to its wafer metrology feature, which allows the tool to accurately measure wafers, device properties, and any other feature that may be present. In combination, these features ensure that every wafer is tested and inspected with the utmost accuracy and precision. TENCOR P22 features an intuitive user interface that simplifies wafer test and inspection processes. Users can select from a variety of test and measure settings to customize the asset to their needs. Additionally, the model supports advanced data analysis capabilities - data can be quickly evaluated and used to improve process control and product yield. Overall, P22 is an ideal equipment for those looking to improve the accuracy and repeatability of test and inspection processes. With advanced vision, alignment, measurement, and defect recognition capability, the system can ensure the highest levels of product quality and reliability.
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