Used KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX RS-75/TCA #9135668 for sale
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KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX RS-75/TCA is a highly advanced wafer testing and metrology equipment designed to provide reliable and fast data retrieval of a variety of wafer parameters. It is used in industrial production environments to test, measure, and analyze wafer characteristics used in process control and engineering. KLA RS75TCA utilizes top-of-the-line optics and camera technology to provide unmatched information regarding wafer features and defects. This includes features such as thickness, overlay tolerances, line and space widths, and critical dimension height. Additionally, the system can identify and measure defect widths, heights, and area. TENCOR RS-75TCA uses a three-axis scanning stage that can motion with extreme precision to ensure accurate data capture and measurement. The stage is driven by state-of-the-art motion control that offers up to 10 nanometers of motion resolution. The unit also employs a patented and innovative Dynamic Autofocus that can quickly and precisely create focus images of patterned structures. The machine's capacitive interferometric microscope offers exceptional optical and measurement resolution, allowing users to identify small features up to 1 micron in size. The interferometric microscopy allows for micro-scale wafer inspection and advanced CD-SEM and AFM imaging. In addition to its precise measurement capabilities, RS-75 TCA includes a variety of powerful features that enable rapid testing and data analysis. These include real-time wafer mapping, auto defect inspection, and sophisticated data trending, visualization, and analytics. This allows the tool to quickly identify process deviations that can be addressed to improve throughput and yield. TENCOR RS-75/TCA is an extremely reliable and cost-effective production tool that can be used in a variety of industries. Its unmatched accuracy allows operators to quickly test, measure, and analyze wafer features and defects, enabling controlled process optimization.
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