Used KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX SM 300 #9105330 for sale

ID: 9105330
System Floor standing unit Auto loader included.
KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX SM 300 is a wafer testing and metrology equipment that performs a range of functions such as surface analysis, defect inspection, metrology, and defect characterization. The system consists of a scanner, a deterministic wafer handling unit, and a wide variety of options for custom requirements. KLA SM 300 uses advanced technologies for its broad range of tasks. It is equipped with an advanced-sensing digital microscope with a 5 megapixel resolution. This allows the machine to perform various operations such as imaging of film structures, surface topology, and defect morphology. The microscope is also used for measuring film thickness and for evaluating microstructure. In addition, TENCOR SM 300 has a pattern recognition function that analyses the surface of the wafer for surface imperfections and defects. The machine is capable of detecting small defects at high throughputs, and can distinguish between different kinds of defects. This helps in quickly identifying faulty areas and improving quality control. SM 300's deterministic wafer handling tool has two stages, an 'Etch Probing Stage' and a 'High-Resolution Inspection Stage'. The Etch Probing Stage has a high-resolution imaging asset and wedge-probe technology, allowing for imaging of the wafer beneath the surface. Additionally, the High-Resolution Inspection Stage includes a non-contact technology for imaging fine structures and measuring the profile of the wafer. PROMETRIX SM 300 is capable of providing detailed metrology measurements, such as aspect ratio measurements, profile measurements, critical dimensions, and pattern metrics. Metrology measurements are also used for optimizing the pass/fail decision-making process and improving product quality. KLA / TENCOR / PROMETRIX SM 300 is easy to use and has intuitive user interfaces, making it suitable for any environment. It also includes calibration tools for accuracy and precision, and provides automated procedures. Specialized accessories such as particle counters and specialized software packages are available as options for enhanced performance. KLA SM 300 is a highly advanced wafer-testing and metrology model, offering a full suite of functions for wafer sorting, defect scanning and metrology. The equipment is fast, reliable and accurate, and provides a simple way of quality-testing and evaluating wafers.
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