Used VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 8 #9234670 for sale

ID: 9234670
Advanced Development Profiler (ADP).
VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 8 is an automated wafer testing and metrology instrument used for measuring the critical parameters of semiconductor wafers such as thickness, flatness, bow/warp, surface roughness, and defect density. It features an integrated dual optical head design, a precision encoder equipment with dual variable speed, and a CompactHandler II for automated wafer handling, positioning, and scanning. VEECO DEKTAK 8 provides high accuracy and repeatable measurements, thanks to an innovative edge detection and signal return algorithm that adjusts to the changing wafer characteristics. The system also features automated reference point-based wafer scanning, allowing user-defined scanning areas over the reference point. For flatness/warp measurement, SLOAN DEKTAK 8 utilizes a state-of-the-art, two-dimensional laser displacement sensor that is capable of measuring very small thickness changes of wafers. It also has the ability to use a high-end stage for stability and repeatability, allowing for extremely precise measurements. DEKTAK 8 is also equipped with a motorized stage to move the wafer surface inside the optical head for measurements of surface roughness. The unit is capable of detecting, measuring, and analyzing sub-micron level surface imperfections. For defect inspection, VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 8 is equipped with a high-resolution CCD camera coupled with a computer-controlled autofocus interface, allowing for automated imaging, defect identification, analysis, and accurate height determination. The machine also features automatic defect classification and defect database query capabilities. In addition, VEECO DEKTAK 8 is designed for cleanroom use, using specially designed environmental chambers to reduce particle generation and provide maximum protection from contaminants. The tool also incorporates a pneumatics asset to maintain a dynamic atmosphere during the testing process. SLOAN DEKTAK 8 offers an extensive suite of software applications, both for controlling the model and data analysis. These applications include automatic calibration, data logging, wafer mapping, defect detection and reporting, and much more. The instrument also offers a wide selection of user-defined parameters that can be used to customize each test to the specific requirements of the device. Overall, DEKTAK 8 is an extremely sophisticated, high-end wafer testing and metrology equipment that provides the highest accuracy and repeatability for semiconductor wafer measurements. The integrated hardware, advanced software, and superior environmental protection make VEECO / SLOAN DEKTAK 8 the perfect choice for modern semiconductor manufacturing.
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